Budo Karate & Jujutsu International
skóciai vezető instruktor / Chief Instructor in Scotland
6. dan Shotokan karate

I have been practicing Martial Arts since 1985, started with kickboxing, then for a short period of time kykoshin karate, but the real passion and dedication started in 1993 with shotokan karate, under instruction of sensei Norbert Csosz-Toth.
In 2001 I became a qualified karate instructor and examiner after finishing the A.J.K.A International Association’s 2 years instructor program.
I live in Scotland since 2005, I was lucky enough to carry on with karate and train together with fantastic instructors of Scotland and Japan, attending special seminars and competing at international level.Thanks to karate I’ve meet with very special people, they are my karate family.Thanks for their support I can teach traditional shotokan karate in my own dojo which I have founded in 2017.My aim is to build character, improve human behaviour, cultivate modesty, push our boundaries as far as we can and keep the traditional way of shotokan karate-do.